Saturday 25 July 2009

Things to do...

I'm currently updating my website, making a few other websites, working on a couple of exciting projects which will show once its all done and dusted as well as wanting to do some personal work! I need to get cracking!!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

website update

has finally updated my website to a different style and layout! !!!!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Keep Britain Tidy.

I was in Bexhill and happened to see this, so out came the mobile phone and snapped him.
I thought that this photo could be a poster for a campaign about keeping Britain tidy.
Showing an eccentric take on cleaning, this concept could then be adapted into a whole range of imagery to promoting 'Keep Britain Tidy.'
Let me know what you think!!
Lint (jiggy)

At last my own blog!

I'm still getting use to this 'blogging' malarky, but hopefully soon I'll get some of my latest work up to show everyone. In the mean time, please look at my website -


Linton aka jiggylinty