Friday 8 October 2010


Has updated my website... ohhh

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Free downloadable desktop backgrounds :)

I have created some free desktop backgrounds for you to enjoy! :)

The latest creation is in collaboration with illustrator Tom Mac as a series of 3 based on the theme of 'Goddess' More to come soon!

Click Here!!!
Please visit the link to check them out! :)

Monday 12 July 2010

Time to update this bad boy!

Well... I havn't updated this in a very long time!

Since my last post - I have completed University in which I have gained a 2:1 BA (Hons) Art & Design from the University of Brighton :) Just a couple of weeks till I graduate!

A couple of projects that I have completed for Uni, are found at here and here

I have also started up a studio with a friend of mine. Michael Wilson his personal site here in which we have called ourselves studiosquareone
Check it out!

Thursday 25 February 2010

'fellowship' Charity Book project

Last year my younger brother was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and to help promote awareness about Crohn's Disease and to raise money for CICRA for further research (Crohn's In Childhood Research Association - Registered Charity Number 278212), I decided to create a book containing some unique imagery from graphic designers and illustrators based on the word 'fellowship'.

The book is a minimum of £5 pounds to purchase but I also have two other higher prices if you'd wish to donate more money for this cause. 100% profit will go to CIRCA.

Please visit to purchase one! :)

An interview with... Linton Rogers - Promoting my own Charity Book project.

My Charity Book project is featured in Issue 67 of Advanced Photoshop Magazine aswell as an interview with myself!

About my project:

Last year my younger brother was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and to help promote awareness about Crohn's Disease and to raise money for CICRA for further research (Crohn's In Childhood Research Association - Registered Charity Number 278212),
I decided to create a book containing some unique imagery from graphic designers and illustrators based on the word 'fellowship'.

The book is a minimum of £5 pounds to purchase but I also have two other higher prices if you'd wish to donate more money for this cause. 100% profit will go to CIRCA.

Money raised by the sale of this book will be used to maintain and expand the CICRA research programme to develop improved treatments and a better quality of life for these youngsters. Researchers are also looking at the underlying cause which hopefully will lead to a cure or preventative.

I have been overwhelmed by the support from other designers I asked to contribute towards this book, the designers included are -
Radim Malinic / Kareena Zerefos / Olly Howe / Angel D'Amico-Bauer / Lee Murray / Peter Quinnell / Chuck Anderson / Pete Duffield / Mathew Thomas / Jen Pringle / Paul Rook / Patrick Boyer / Michael Wilson and Gary Neil

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Just getting into the Christmas vibe!

Merry Christmas to everyone!
Hope you all enjoy the festive period!
Alcohol before mid-day, meat sweats and too much xmas pud that makes you feel queezy. .
Enjoy my christmas card designs

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Quiz Poster!

This is a quiz poster I designed for a local school's quiz night! Something eye catching and fun that portrays the event of a quiz!